Korean Grammar Bank


“도록” is a suffix in Korean that is mainly used to express purpose, result, or degree.

It is often attached to a verb stem to indicate that the subject will act in a way that achieves a certain result or reaches a specific extent.


도록 in Korean is used for multiple purposes:

  • To Indicate Purpose: ‘~so that’
  • To Indicate Result: ‘~in order to’
  • To Indicate Degree: ‘~to the extent that’

Verb + -도록

겨울에는 춥지 않도록 따뜻하게 입어요In winter, dress warmly so that you don’t get cold.
피곤하지 않도록 적당히 공부해요Study moderately so that you don’t get tired.
고양이를 기를 수 있도록 할 거예요I will make it possible to have a cat.
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한국어를 말 할 수 있도록 하고싶어요I want to be able to speak Korean.
모두가 먹을 수 있도록 음식을 많이 준비했어요I prepared a lot of food so that everyone can eat.
지각하지 않도록 알람을 맞춰요 Set an alarm so that you don’t oversleep.
이해할 수 있도록 예시를 더 추가했습니다.I added more examples so that it is easier to understand.


“도록” can be used in various contexts to soften the tone of a sentence or to add a specific nuance. It is a versatile expression that can change the meaning subtly depending on its usage.

Suggestive meaning

모든 사람이 볼 수 있도록 화면을 공유해요Share the screen so that everyone can see.
늦지 않도록 시간을 잘 지켜 주세요.Please keep time well so that you don’t be late.

Expressing intent

걱정하지 않도록 내일 비가 오지 않도록 기도합시다.Contact in advance so that you don’t worry.
학생들이 이해할 수 있도록 예시를 더 준비했습니다.I prepared more examples so that the students can understand.

Preventive meaning

사고가 나지 않도록 조심하세요I cheered to the extent that I got body aches.
길을 건널 때는 좌우를 잘 살피도록 하세요.Look both ways carefully when crossing the street.

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What does 도록 mean?

도록 is used to express purpose, extent, or a time limit, meaning “so that,” “to the extent of,” or “until.”

How do I use 도록 in a sentence?

Attach 도록 to the verb stem (e.g., 이해하다 → 이해하도록 for “so that you understand”).

Is 도록 formal or informal?

It can be used in both formal and informal contexts, depending on the sentence.

How is 도록 different from 위해서?

도록 focuses more on achieving a goal or a condition, while 위해서 is used more generally for expressing purpose.

Where to find more lessons like this?

You can visit our Korean Grammar Bank for more lessons on levels A1, A2, B1 and B2.

Can I learn Korean with LTL Language School?


Learn Korean with a professional live teacher online on Flexi Classes, or in person in Seoul (group and individual classes available).

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