In passive sentences, the subject is the recipient of the verb’s action, rather than the one who performs it.
Passive voice in Korean is not as common as active voice, but is still used in some situations.
In the passive voice in Korean, the subject of the sentence is the recipient of the action rather than the doer.
In other words, the focus is on the action being performed on the subject, rather than who or what is performing the action.
Passive voice is often used to emphasize the action itself or the recipient of the action.
The passive voice in Korean can be formed by adding specific endings to action verbs.
When the verb ends with a vowel or following consonants, ‘ᄒ, ᄁ’, you need to add 이 to the verb root.
놓다 to put | → | 놓이다 to be put |
책이 책상 위에 놓여 있어요.
The book is placed on the desk. |
묻다 to bury | → | 묻히다 to be buried |
보물이 땅에 묻혔어요.
The treasure was buried in the ground. |
닫다 to close | → | 닫히다 to be closed |
문이 닫혔어요.
The door was closed. |
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읽다 to read | → | 읽히다 to be read |
책이 읽혔어요.
The book was read. |
먹다 to eat | → | 먹히다 to be eaten |
빵이 먹혔어요.
The bread was eaten. |
막다 to block | → | 막히다 to be blocked |
길이 막혔어요.
The road is blocked. |
When the verb ends with following consonants, ‘ᄇ, ᄀ, ᄃ,ᄌ, ᄑ’ you need to add 히 to the verb root.
잡다 to catch | → | 잡히다 to be caught |
범인이 경찰에 잡혔어요.
The criminal was caught by the police. |
막다 to block | → | 막히다 to be blocked |
도로가 차들로 막혔어요.
The road is blocked with cars. |
씻다 to wash | → | 씻기다 to be washed |
손이 깨끗이 씻겼어요.
The hands were washed clean. |
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밟다 to step on | → | 밟히다 to be stepped on |
발이 밟혔어요.
The foot was stepped on. |
읽다 to read | → | 읽히다 to be read |
책이 많이 읽혔어요.
The book was read a lot. |
먹다 to eat | → | 먹히다 to be eaten |
음식이 빨리 먹혔어요.
The food was eaten quickly. |
When the verb ends with consonant, ‘ᄅ’, you need to add -리 after the verb root.
밀다 to push | → | 밀리다 to be pushed |
차가 뒤로 밀렸어요.
The car was pushed back. |
풀다 to untie | → | 풀리다 to be untied |
매듭이 풀렸어요.
The knot was untied. |
열다 to open | → | 열리다 to be opened |
문이 열렸어요.
The door was opened. |
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걸다 to hang | → | 걸리다 to be hung |
그림이 벽에 걸렸어요.
The picture was hung on the wall. |
날다 to fly | → | 날리다 to be flown |
종이비행기가 날렸어요.
The paper plane was flown. |
자르다 to cut | → | 잘리다 to be cut |
머리가 잘렸어요.
The hair was cut. |
When the verb ends with consonant, ‘ᄂ, ᄎ, ᄉ, ᄆ’ you need to add -기 to the verb root.
안다 to hug | → | 안기다 to be hugged |
아이가 엄마에게 안겼어요.
The child was hugged by the mother. |
씻다 to wash | → | 씻기다 to be washed |
손이 깨끗이 씻겼어요.
The hands were washed clean. |
담다 to put in | → | 담기다 to be put in |
물이 컵에 담겼어요.
The water was put in the cup. |
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듣다 to hear | → | 들리다 to be heard |
소리가 잘 들려요.
The sound is well heard. |
깎다 to peel | → | 깎이다 to be peeled |
사과가 깎였어요.
The apple was peeled. |
맞다 to hit | → | 맞기다 to be hit |
공이 맞겼어요.
The ball was hit. |

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What does passive voice mean?
In passive voice, the subject of the sentence is the recipient of the action rather than the doer.
In other words, the focus is on the action being performed on the subject, rather than who or what is performing the action.
For example, in the sentence “The book was read by Mary,” “the book” is the subject receiving the action of being read, and “Mary” is the one performing the action.
Passive voice is often used to emphasize the action itself or the recipient of the action.
How to make the passive voice in Korean?
To form the passive voice in Korean, you typically add specific suffixes to the action verb based on its ending.
• When the verb ends with a vowel or following consonants, ‘ᄒ, ᄁ’, you need to add 이 to the verb root.
• When the verb ends with following consonants, ‘ᄇ, ᄀ, ᄃ,ᄌ, ᄑ’ you need to add 히.
• When the verb ends with consonant, ‘ᄅ’, you need to add -리.
• When the verb ends with consonant, ‘ᄂ, ᄎ, ᄉ, ᄆ’ you need to add -기.
What are exemples of Korean passive voice?
묻다 to bury → 묻히다 to be buried
보물이 땅에 묻혔어요. The treasure was buried in the ground.
막다 to block → 막히다 to be blocked
도로가 차들로 막혔어요.The road is blocked with cars.
열다 to open → 열리다 to be opened
문이 열렸어요. The door was opened.
Is Korean passive voice common?
Korean passive voice is not as common as active voice, however it is still important to know how things work.
Where to find more lessons like this?
You can visit our Korean Grammar Bank for more lessons on levels A1, A2, B1 and B2.
Can I learn Korean with LTL?
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