The Future Progressive Tense in Korean is used to describe an action that will be in progress at a certain point in the future.
This tense is formed using “고 있을 것이다” and is often used to emphasize the continuation or ongoing nature of an action that will happen.
It is similar to the English structure “will be -ing.”
The phrase “고 있을 것이다” is composed of:
- 고: a connective ending indicating the continuation of an action.
- 있다: a verb meaning “to be,” indicating the state of doing something.
- 을 것이다: a phrase that indicates the future tense, meaning “will.”
To form the Future Progressive Tense in Korean, follow this structure:
Verb Stem + 고 있을 것이다
This construction is flexible and can be adapted to both informal and formal speech. When using honorifics, replace “있을 것이다” with “계실 것이다.”
Informal form
가다 to go | 가고 있을 거야 gago isseul geoya | “will be going” |
Polite form
먹다 to eat | 먹고 있을 거예요 meokgo isseul geoyeyo | “will be eating” |
Honorific form
읽다 to read | 읽고 계실 것입니다 ilkgo gyesil geosimnida | “will be reading” |
The Future Progressive Tense is used in several contexts:
To describe an action that will be in progress at a specific future time:
내일 이 시간에 저는 책을 읽고 있을 거예요. | I will be reading a book at this time tomorrow. |
To predict an ongoing action or event in the future:
친구들이 도착할 때쯤 우리는 요리하고 있을 것입니다. | We will be cooking when our friends arrive. |
To emphasize the continuity of an action in the future:
학생들이 오후에 도서관에서 공부하고 있을 거예요. | The students will be studying in the library in the afternoon. |
To politely inquire or make suggestions about future plans:
내일 오후에 뭐 하고 있을 거예요? | What will you be doing tomorrow afternoon? |
Below are detailed examples of using “고 있을 것이다” in various contexts, with both standard and honorific forms:
Action in Progress | 내일 이 시간에 저는 수영장에서 수영하고 있을 거예요 | I will be swimming at the pool at this time tomorrow |
Predicted Ongoing Action | 영업 팀은 오후에도 여전히 회의를 하고 있을 것입니다 | The sales team will still be having a meeting in the afternoon. |
Emphasizing Continuity | 우리는 밤새도록 문제 해결을 위해 노력하고 있을 거예요. | We will be working all night to solve the problem. |
Honorific Usage | 선생님께서는 내일 오후 학교에 계실 것 입니다 | The teacher will be at school tomorrow afternoon |
Making Suggestions | 오후에 같이 산책하고 있을까요? | Shall we be taking a walk together in the afternoon? |
NEGATIVE FORM 고 있지 않을 것이다
To express the negative form of the Future Progressive Tense in Korean, you use “고 있지 않을 것이다” instead of “고 있을 것이다.”
This structure is used to indicate that an action will not be in progress at a certain point in the future.
Verb Stem + 고 있지 않을 것이다
For honorific forms, “계시지 않을 것이다” can be used instead of “있지 않을 것이다.”
Action Not in Progress at a Specific Future Time: | 내일 이 시간에 저는 책을 읽고 있지 않을 거예요. | I will not be reading a book at this time tomorrow. |
Predicted Action Not Happening in the Future: | 친구들이 도착할 때쯤 우리는 요리하고 있지 않을 charset="utf-8"> | We will not be cooking when our friends arrive. |
Emphasizing Discontinuation of Future Action: | 학생들이 오후에 도서관에서 공부하고 있지 않을 charset="utf-8"> | The students will not be studying in the library in the afternoon. |
Future Action Not Taking Place in Honorific Form: | 선생님께서는 내일 오후 학교에 계시지 않을 charset="utf-8"> | The teacher will not be at school tomorrow afternoon. |
Making Negative Suggestions About Future Actions: | 오후에 같이 산책하고 있지 charset="utf-8"> | Shall we not be taking a walk together in the afternoon? |
Describing Future Actions Not Being Done by Others: | 영업 팀은 오후에도 회의를 하고 있지 않을 것입니다. | The sales team will not be having a meeting in the afternoon. |

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Want to learn more? Check out these other free resources:
- Learn about the present progressive in Korean
- Learn about the present progressive in Mandarin
- Learn about the present progressive in Japanese
- Learn about the present progressive in Vietnamese
How to form the future progressive tense?
To form the future progressive, add -고 있을 거예요 to the verb stem (e.g., 읽다 → 읽고 있을 거예요 for “will be reading”).
Can future progressive be used in formal contexts?
Yes, in formal contexts, use -고 있을 것입니다.
How to make future progressive negative?
Add 안 before -고 있을 거예요 or use -지 않고 있을 거예요 (e.g., 안 읽고 있을 거예요 for “will not be reading”).
What difference between future and future progressive?
Future tense refers to a single future event, while future progressive emphasizes an action that will be ongoing at a future point.
Where to find more lessons like this?
You can visit our Korean Grammar Bank for more lessons on levels A1, A2, B1 and B2.
Can I learn Korean with LTL Language School?
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