Korean Grammar Bank


In Korean, there are a few different ways to express suggestion, depending on the level of formality.

The following structures are equivalent to the use of “Let’s~” in English.


For making a formal suggestion, the structure verb + ᄇ/읍시다 is used.


Verb + ᄇ / 읍시다

Verb + ᄇ시다 is used when the verb ends with a vowel.

It is used with verbs such as 하다 (do), 달리다 (run), 가다 (go), 자다 (sleep).

Verb + 읍시다 is used when the verb ends with a consonant.

It is used with verbs such as 먹다 (eat), 팔다 (sell), 썰다 (cut).

내일 서울에 갑시다.

Let’s go to Seoul tomorrow.

오늘 저녁을 같이 먹읍시다.

Let’s have dinner together today.
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다음주에 영화를 봅시다.Let’s go to see a movie next week.
비가 오기 전 빨래를 마칩시다.Let’s finish the laundry before it starts raining.
빨리 과제를 제출합시다.Let’s submit the assignment soon.


For negating a formal suggestion in Korean, following expression can be used:


Verb + 지 맙시다

내일 서울에 가지 맙시다.

Let’s not go to Seoul tomorrow.

오늘 저녁을 같이 먹지 맙시다.

Let’s not have dinner together today.
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다음주에 영화를 보지 맙시다.Let’s not go to see a movie next week.
비가오기전빨래를마치지맙시다.Let’s not finish the laundry before it starts raining.
빨리 과제를 제출하지 맙시다.Let’s not submit the assignment soon.


For making a colloquial or casual suggestion, the structure “Verb + 해요 / 요” is used. This structure is considered formal, but is less formal than the above structure.


Verb + 해요 / 요

When the verb is “하다 (to do)”, “Verb + 해요” is used.

For other verbs, “Verb + 요” is used, and the conjugation of 요 is an irregular form that depends on the last syllable of the verb.

내일 서울에 가요.

Let’s go to Seoul tomorrow.

오늘 저녁을 같이 먹어요.

Let’s have dinner together today.
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다음주에 영화를 봐요.Let’s go to see a movie next week.
비가오기전빨래를마쳐요.Let’s finish the laundry before it starts raining.
빨리 과제를 제출해요.Let’s submit the assignment soon.


For negating a colloquial suggestion in Korean, following structure can be used:


Verb + 지마요

내일 서울에 가지 마요.

Let’s not go to Seoul tomorrow.


Let’s not have dinner together today.
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다음주에 영화를 보지 마요.Let’s not go to see a movie next week.
비가오기전빨래를마치지마요.Let’s not finish the laundry before it starts raining.
빨리 과제를 제출하지 마요.Let’s not submit the assignment soon.


For making an informal suggestion, the structure “Verb + 하자/자” is used.


Verb + 하자 / 자

내일 서울에 가자.

Let’s go to Seoul tomorrow.

오늘 저녁을 같이 먹자.

Let’s have dinner together today.
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다음주에 영화를 보자.Let’s go to see a movie next week.
비가오기전빨래를마치자.Let’s finish the laundry before it starts raining.
빨리 과제를 제출하자.Let’s submit the assignment soon.


For negate an informal suggestion, the structure “Verb + 지말자” is used.


Verb + 지말자

내일 서울에 가지 말자.

Let’s not go to Seoul tomorrow.


Let’s not have dinner together today.
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다음주에 영화를 보지 말자.Let’s not go to see a movie next week.
비가오기전빨래를마치지말자.Let’s not finish the laundry before it starts raining.
빨리 과제를 제출하지 말자.Let’s not submit the assignment soon.


In Korean, the structure “verb + 보다 (to see)” can be used to make a suggestion for trying something out.


Verb + 보다

This expression can also take three different forms depending on the level of formality.

  • Verb + 봅시다 – making a formal suggestion for trying something out
  • Verb + 봐요 – making a casual suggestion for trying something out
  • Verb + 봐 – making an informal suggestion for trying something out

Let’s see a few examples:

Let’s try to go to Seoul tomorrow
내일 서울에 가봅시다 내일 서울에 가봐요 내일 서울에 가봐
Let’s try to have dinner together tomorrow
오늘 저녁을 같이 먹어 봅시다 오늘저녁을같이먹어봐요 오늘 저녁을 같이 먹어봐
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Let’s try to go to see a movie next week.
다음주에 영화를 보러 가봅시다 다음주에 영화를 보러 가봐요 다음주에 영화를 보러 가봐

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How to make a formal suggestion in Korean?

To make a formal suggestion in Korean we use the structure Verb + ᄇ / 읍시다

다음주에 영화를 봅시다. Let’s go to see a movie next week.

오늘 저녁을 같이 먹읍시다. Let’s have dinner together today.

How to make a casual suggestion in Korean?

To make a casual suggestion in Korean we use the structure verb + 해요 / 요.

This structure is considered formal, but is less formal than the above structure.

내일 서울에 가요. Let’s go to Seoul tomorrow.

다음주에 영화를 봐요.Let’s go to see a movie next week.

How to make a negative suggestion in Korean?

To negate a formal suggestion, use the structure Verb + 지 맙시다.

빨리 과제를 제출하지 맙시다. Let’s not submit the assignment soon.

To negate a casual or colloquial suggestion, use the structure Verb + 지마요.

내일 서울에 가지 마요. Let’s not go to Seoul tomorrow.

To negate an informal suggestion, the structure Verb + 지말자 is used.

다음주에 영화를 보지 말자. Let’s not go to see a movie next week.

Learn more about negation in Korean here.

How to say “in order to” in Korean?

There are 3 sentence structures to express purpose in Korean, all meaning “in order to” in Korean.

#1 Verb + 려고 / 러

#2 Verb + 기 위해 / 기 위해서

#3 Noun + 을 / 를 + 위해 / 위해서

Learn more about purpose in Korean here.

How to say “might be” in Korean?

In Korean, following expression can be used to express “might be/seem to”.

This expression is generally used in future tense.

Verb + ᄅ것 같다

Learn more about might be in Korean here.

Where to find more lessons like this?

You can visit our Korean Grammar Bank for more lessons on levels A1, A2 and B1.


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