Korean Grammar Bank


In Korean, the progressive tense is used to indicate that an action is currently ongoing.

It is similar to the “-ing” form in English.

The progressive tense in Korean is primarily expressed in two ways.

고있다 FORM

The -고 있다 form is used to indicate that an action is currently in progress.

It can be used in different tenses to indicate that an action was ongoing in the past, is ongoing in the present, or will be ongoing in the future.


Verb stem + -고 있다

나는 지금 밥을 먹고 있다.I am eating now.
그는 책을 읽고 있다.He is reading a book.
우리는 TV를 보고 있다.We are watching TV.
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그녀는 노래를 부르고 있다.She is singing.
나는 공부를 하고 있다.I am studying.
그들은 운동을 하고 있다.They are exercising.
우리는 영화를 보고 있다.We are watching a movie.
그는 집에 가고 있다.He is going home.
나는 세수를 하고 있다.I am washing my face.
그녀는 요리하고 있다.She is cooking
우리는 사진을 찍고 있다.We are taking pictures.
그는 자전거를 타고 있다.He is riding a bicycle.
나는 컴퓨터를 사용하고 있다.I am using the computer.
우리는 놀이터에서 놀고 있다.We are playing at the playground.


The -고 계시다 form is the polite version used to show respect towards the subject of the sentence.

It follows the same tense rules as -고 있다.


Verb stem + -고 계시다

선생님께서 수업을 하고 계십니다.The teacher is teaching a class.
할아버지께서 신문을 읽고 계십니다.Grandfather is reading the newspaper.
어머니께서 저녁을 준비하고 계십니다.Mother is preparing dinner.
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아버지께서 차를 운전하고 계십니다.Father is driving the car.
할머니께서 텔레비전을 보고 계십니다.Grandmother is watching TV.
교수님께서 강의를 하고 계십니다.The professor is giving a lecture.
의사 선생님께서 환자를 진찰하고 계십니다.The doctor is examining a patient.
감독님께서 팀을 지도하고 계십니다.The coach is instructing the team.
목사님께서 설교를 하고 계십니다.The pastor is delivering a sermon.
회장님께서 발표를 하고 계십니다.The president is giving a presentation.
선배님이 연구를 하고 계십니다.The senior is conducting research.
부모님이 여행을 준비하고 계십니다.Parents are preparing for a trip.
경찰관이 교통을 통제하고 계십니다.The police officer is directing traffic.

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How to form the present progressive?

To form the present progressive tense, add -고 있어요 to the verb stem (e.g., 읽다 → 읽고 있어요 for “reading”).

How to negate the present progressive tense?

You can negate it by adding before -고 있어요 (e.g., 안 읽고 있어요 for “I am not reading”).

Can I use the present progressive in formal situations?

Yes, you can use -고 있습니다 for a formal or polite tone.

What difference between present tense and progressive present?

The present progressive emphasizes an ongoing action (e.g., “I am reading”), while the present tense refers to habitual actions (e.g., “I read”).

Where to find more lessons like this one?

You can visit our Korean Grammar Bank for more lessons on levels A1, A2, B1 and B2.

Can I learn Korean with LTL Language School?


Learn Korean with a professional live teacher online on Flexi Classes, or in person in Seoul (group and individual classes available).

Feel free to contact us if you need to speak directly with a LTL Student Advisor.


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