Expressing hope and wishes usually happens in the higher levels of the Korean language learning journey.
Learn how to express hope in Korean with multiple easy to use sentence structures.
To use the structure to express hope in Korean, the verb needs to be normalized, and there are two ways to do that.
Verb + 기를 바라다
In casual speaking, 바라다 is often used as 바란다 or 바래요.
korean | english |
그는 좋은 대학에 가기를 바란다. | He hopes to get into a good college. |
누나는 유럽을 여행하기를 바래요. | My sister wishes to travel in Europe. |
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korean | english |
엄마는 휴가를 갖기를 바래요. | My mother wishes to have a vacation. |
선생님은 그의 학생들이 시험을 잘 보기를 바란다. | The teacher hopes that his students will do well in their exam. |
그녀는 친구를 방문하기를 바란다. | She hopes to visit a friend. |
The second structure to express hope in Korean is as follow:
Verb + 는 것을 바라다
In casual speaking, 바라다 is often used as 바란다 or 바래요
korean | english |
그는 좋은 대학에 가는것을 바란다. | He hopes to get into a good college. |
누나는 유럽을 여행하는것을 바래요. | My sister wishes to travel in Europe. |
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korean | english |
엄마는 휴가를 갖는것을 바래요. | My mother wishes to have a vacation. |
선생님은 그의 학생들이 시험을 잘보는것을 바란다. | The teacher hopes that his students will do well in their exam. |
그녀는 친구를 방문하는것을 바란다. | She hopes to visit a friend. |
To to express hope in Korean with this second sentence structure, the verb needs to be conjugated as following:
Subject + Object+ Verb + ᄊ으면 좋겠다
ᄊ으면 implies a conditional wish or hope (“if”).
korean | english |
나는그가좋은대학에 갔으면 좋겠다. | I wish he would get into a good college. |
누나는 그녀의 친구가 유럽 여행에 동반했으면 좋겠다. | My sister wishes her friend will join her trip to Europe. |
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korean | english |
엄마는 우리 가족이 휴가를 가졌으면 좋겠다. | My mother hopes that our family will have a vacation. |
선생님은 그의 학생들이 시험을 잘보았으면 좋겠다. | The teacher hopes that his students will do well in their exam. |
그녀는 친구가 그녀를 방문했으면 좋겠다. | She hopes her friend will visit her. |

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What structure to express hope in Korean?
Some sentence structures to express hope in Korean:
Verb + 기를 바라다 and Verb + 는 것을 바라다
Another sentence structure would be
Subject + Object+ Verb + ᄊ으면 좋겠다
ᄊ으면 implies a conditional wish or hope (“if”).
What are some examples of hope in Korean?
나는그가좋은대학에 갔으면 좋겠다. I wish he would get into a good college.
누나는 유럽을 여행하기를 바래요. My sister wishes to travel in Europe.
선생님은 그의 학생들이 시험을 잘보는것을 바란다. The teacher hopes that his students will do well in their exam.
How to express certainty in Korean?
In Korean, following expression can be used to express certainty on an event or an action.
Verb + 다고/ᄅ 것이라고
A verb conjugated with 다고/ ᄅ것 이라고 is often followed by a verb “생각한다” or “확신한다” which means “think” and “be sure”, respectively.
I think (I am certain) that she will come to the party tomorrow.
그녀가 내일 파티에 온다고 생각한다.
그녀가 내일 파티에 올 것이라고 생각한다.
Learn more about certainty and uncertainty in Korean in this free lesson.
How to turn a verb into a noun in Korean?
In Korean, you can turn a verb into a noun by adding ‘는 것’ or ‘기’ after removing ‘다’ from the infinitive of the verb.
Here are a few examples:
Eat → Eating // 먹다 → 먹는 것/ 먹기
Sleep → Sleeping // 자다 → 자는 것/ 자기
Run → Running // 뛰다 → 뛰는 것/ 뛰기
Learn more about how to turn verbs into nouns here.
Where to find more lessons like this?
You can visit our Korean Grammar Bank for more lessons on levels A1, A2 and B1.
Can I learn Korean with LTL Language School?
Learn Korean with a professional live teacher online on Flexi Classes, or in person in Seoul (group and individual classes available).
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