Korean Grammar Bank


Korean particles, known as 조사 (josa), play a crucial role in giving additional meaning to sentences by indicating relationships between words.

In this lesson, we will focus on three advanced particles: 까지 (kkaji), 밖에 (bakke), and 마저 (majeo).

Each particle has unique meanings and nuances, which can change the tone and context of a sentence significantly.


까지 (kkaji) is a versatile particle that means “until,” “to,” or “even.”

It is used to indicate a range or extent, often referring to the end point of a time, location, or situation.

Depending on the context, 까지 can also mean “as far as” or “even.”


Noun + 까지

까지 is used to indicate a time or location range, or used to specify the end point in time or place.


Until 5 o’clock


To the house

까지 is also used to express inclusiveness or emphasis, and an emphasize that something extends to an unexpected limit.

심지어 아이들까지

Even the children

Let’s see more examples:

Time Range 저는 내일 아침 7시까지 회사에 가야 해요. I have to go to the office by 7 a.m. tomorrow.
Location Range 우리 집까지 걸어가는 데 30분이 걸립니다. It takes 30 minutes to walk to my house.
Emphasizing Extent 심지어 모르는 사람들까지 나를 도와줬어요. Even people I don’t know helped me.
Adding Unexpected Destination 버스는 회사까지 가요. The bus goes all the way to the office.
Indicating Time Limit 수업은 저녁 7시까지 계속될 것입니다. The class will continue until 7 p.m. in the evening.


밖에 (bakke) is used to express “only” or “nothing but,” and is always followed by a negative form.

It is used to show that there is no other option or alternative beyond what is mentioned.


Noun + 밖에 + Negative Verb

밖에 is used for limitation or exclusivity. It limits the subject to the stated option, often conveying a sense of restriction or lack of choice.

밖에 없다

There is nothing but water

It is also used to indicate minimal quantity. It emphasizes the minimal or insufficient quantity of something.

사람이 세 명밖에 없어요

There are only three people
Limiting Choice 오늘은 물밖에 안 마셨어요. I only drank wter today.
Showing Minimal Quantity 시간은 조금밖에 남지 않았어요. There is only a little time left.
Expressing Insufficiency 할 수 있는 게 이거밖에 없어요. This is all I can do.
Emphasizing Lack of Options 우리는 사과주스밖에 없어요 We only have apple juice.
Highlighting Limited Resources 남은 돈이 백 원밖에 없어요. I have only 100 won left.
Stressing Minimal Effort 그는 웃을 힘밖에 없었어요. He had no energy left but to smile.


마저 is used to mean “even,” “on top of that,” or “to the extent of.”

It is often used to indicate an additional, often negative, element that completes or adds to the situation described.


Noun + 마저

마저 indicates inclusivity in negative context. Used when the inclusion of the item or person adds a negative nuance.

심지어 친구마저 나를 떠났어요

Even my friend left me

It is also used to add to an already difficult situation, and implies an added layer to a negative or difficult situation.

비가 오는 날에 바람마저 불었어요

On a rainy day, even the wind blew
Emphasizing Additional Negativity 그는 가족마저 잃었어요. He even lost his family.
Adding to Difficult Situations 오늘은 비도 오고 바람마저 불어서 너무 춥네요. It’s so cold today because it’s raining, and on top of that, it’s windy.
Extending to Unwanted Elements 나쁜 소식마저 들려왔어요. Even bad news came.
Completing a Negative Situation 지갑도 없고 핸드폰마저 잃어버렸어요. I lost my wallet, and on top of that, I even lost my phone.
Losing All Possibilities 모든 기회마저 사라져 버렸어요. Even all opportunities have disappeared.
Expressing Further Hardship 집에 가는 길에 비마저 내렸어요. On the way home, it even started raining.

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What is the main function of 까지 in Korean?

까지 is used to indicate limits or boundaries, meaning “until” or “up to” in time or place.

How does 밖에 differ from other particles?

밖에 expresses a sense of limitation, meaning “only” or “nothing but,” and is always used with a negative verb.

Can 까지 and 밖에 be used together?

No, 까지 and 밖에 are used in different contexts. 까지 shows a range, while 밖에 restricts options.

What does 마저 mean in a sentence?

마저 indicates inclusion of the last remaining option, often with a negative connotation, meaning “even” or “all the way.”

Are these particles formal or informal?

These particles can be used in both formal and informal contexts, depending on the sentence structure and politeness level.

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