Korean compound verbs combine two verbs (or a verb and a noun) to create a new meaning, often making expressions more nuanced and specific.
In this lesson, we teach how compound verbs are formed, when to use them, and practice with examples.

Combining two verbs to form a new meaning is the most common sentence structure.
It is used in daily life to express actions with nuanced meanings.
Example: 보다 + 주다 = 봐주다 (to look after someone or let someone off the hook)
Verb Stem + Verb Stem + 다
찾아보다 (찾다 + 보다) | To look up or to try to find |
새로운 레스토랑을 찾아보고 싶어요. | I want to look up a new restaurant. |
들어가다 (들다 + 가다) | To enter or go inside |
수업이 시작하기 전에 교실에 들어가야 해요. | I need to go into the classroom before the class starts. |
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데려오다 (데리다 + 오다) | To bring someone along |
친구를 파티에 데려오고 싶어요. | I want to bring my friend to the party. |
돌아오다 (돌다 + 오다) | To return or come back |
여행이 끝나고 집으로 돌아왔어요. | I came back home after the trip. |
알아보다 (알다 + 보다) | To find out or inquire about |
여행지에 대해 더 알아볼게요. | I’ll find out more about the travel destination. |
지나가다 (지나다 + 가다) | To pass by |
그 사람을 길에서 지나갔어요. | I passed by that person on the street. |
A compound formed by pairing a noun with 하다, turning it into a verb that expresses an action related to the noun.
It is widely used for actions related to nouns (e.g., to practice, to remember).
Example: 설명 (explanation) + 하다 = 설명하다 (to explain)
Noun + 하다
연습하다 (연습 + 하다) | To practice |
오늘 저녁에 발음을 연습할 거예요. | I will practice pronunciation tonight. |
생각하다 (생각 + 하다) | To think |
이 문제에 대해 더 생각해볼게요. | I’ll think more about this issue. |
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준비하다 (준비 + 하다) | To prepare |
발표를 위해 자료를 준비했어요. | I prepared materials for the presentation. |
정리하다 (정리 + 하다) | To organize or tidy up |
책상을 정리해야 해요. | I need to organize my desk. |
기억하다 (기억 + 하다) | To remember |
그때의 추억을 아직도 기억해요. | I still remember those memories. |
설명하다 (설명 + 하다) | To explain |
이 과정을 잘 설명해줄게요. | I’ll explain this process well. |
Some compound verbs use auxiliary verbs to change the meaning slightly, adding a sense of permission, causation, or continuity.
Example: 먹다 + 보다 = 먹어보다 (to try eating, or to taste)
Verb Stem + Auxiliary Verb
가보다 (가다 + 보다) | to try going somewhere |
그 카페에 한번 가봐야겠어요. | I should try going to that cafe. |
먹어보다 (먹다 + 보다) | to try eating something |
새로운 음식을 먹어보고 싶어요. | I want to try eating new food. |
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들어보다 (듣다 + 보다) | To try listening to something |
이 음악을 한번 들어보세요. | Try listening to this music. |
빌려주다 (빌리다 + 주다) | To lend something |
내가 책을 빌려줄게. | I’ll lend you the book. |
보여주다 (보이다 + 주다) | To show something to someone |
사진을 보여줄게요. | I’ll show you the picture. |
데려다주다 (데리다 + 주다) | To take someone somewhere |
공항까지 데려다줄게요. | I’ll take you to the airport. |

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What are compound verbs?
Compound verbs are formed by combining two verbs, or a verb and a noun, to create a new meaning.
The first verb/noun usually provides context, while the second verb determines the tense and conjugation.
How to form a compound verb?
They are typically created by connecting a verb stem with another verb using structures like -아/어/여 + 주다, -고 있다, or -아/어/여 보다.
Are all Korean verbs compatible with compound verbs?
No, not all verbs can be combined freely.
Some combinations are natural, while others may sound unnatural or have different meanings.
Do compound verbs follow regular conjugation rules?
Yes, the final verb in the compound structure is conjugated according to tense, politeness level, and grammatical mood.
Compound verbs or auxiliary verbs?
Compound verbs create a new meaning by merging two verbs, while auxiliary verbs (like 주다 or 보다) modify the main verb’s meaning without forming an entirely new word.
Does LTL provide Korean classes?
You can study with us in Seoul, in our Hongdae location, or online if you prefer learn from home.
Contact us here if you have any questions.