Korean Grammar Bank


In this free lesson we will have a look at how to express as much as in Korean.

The two main ways to express as much as, is with those two words: 만큼 and 정도.

Let’s see how to use them in a sentence.


The most basic use of 만큼 is for expressing ‘as much as’.


Noun + 만큼

만큼 먹을 수 있니?Can you eat as much as your older brother?
어제 연습한 것만큼 피아노 연습을 해야한다.You should practice piano as much as you practiced yesterday.
노력한 것만큼 결과가나올것이다.The result will be as much efforts as you put in.
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그가 버는 것만큼 나도 벌어요.I make as much money as he does.
그가하는것만큼나도잘할수있어요.I can do it well as much as he does.
너가 할 수 있는 것만큼 노력해야 한다.You should try as much as you can.
그는 이 것만큼의 야채는 먹어야 한다.He should at least as much vegetable as this.
저는 한국 사람만큼 한국어를 할 수 있어요.I can speak Korean as much as a Korean person can.


만큼 can also be used to express the ‘equivalence’ for different states often described by adjectives (e.g., as big as, as tall as…).

In Korean, 만큼 is always used with a noun, and the adjective is placed at the end of the sentence.


Noun + 만큼 + Adjective

나는 형만큼 키가 커요.I am as tall as my older brother.
그녀는 친구만큼 피아노를 잘 쳐요.She plays the piano as well as her friend (plays the piano).
그녀의 방은 운동장만큼 크다.Her room is as big as a playground.
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그는 그의 아버지만큼 잘생겼다.He is as handsome as his father.
한강은 센느강만큼 길어요?Is Han River as long as the Seine River?
인공지능은 인간만큼 똑똑해질까요?Will AI become as smart as human?
이번 여름은 작년 여름만큼 덥다.This summer is as hot as the last summer.
그녀는 엄마만큼 빨리 걷는다.She walks as fast as her mother does.


While 정도 and 만큼 can be used interchangeably in most cases, 정도 means ‘approximate’ degree or extent compared to 만큼, so there is a slight difference in the nuance.

Often, an article 로 is added to 정도 to indicate the approximation.

The expression 정도로 is typically used with nouns that are not easily quantifiable, such as effort, happiness, etc..


Noun + 정도(로)

정도 먹을 수 있니?Can you eat as much as your older brother?
어제 연습한 것정도로 피아노 연습을 해야한다.You should practice piano as much as you practiced yesterday.
노력한 것정도로 결과가 나올것이다.The result will be as much efforts as you put in.
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그가 버는 것정도 나도 벌어요.I make as much money as he does.
그가 하는 것정도로 나도잘할수있어요.I can do it well as much as he does.
너가할수있는것정도로노력해야 한다.You should try as much as you can.
그는 이 것정도의 야채는 먹어야 한다.He should at least as much vegetable as this.
저는 한국 사람정도 한국어를 할 수 있어요.I can speak Korean as much as a Korean person can.


정도/만큼 can also be used to express ‘how much?’ in English.

In this case, the word 어느 / 얼마, meaning ‘how’, is used to lead the question. The expression is mostly interchangeable, but 어느 is more frequently used with non-countable nouns, while 얼마 is used with countable nouns.


어느 / 얼마 + 정도 / 만큼

우유를 어느정도 사고 싶으세요?How much milk do you want to buy?
돈을 얼마만큼 벌으세요?How much money do you make?
이 일을 위해서 어느정도 노력을 했나요?How much efforts did you put in for this work?
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가루를 어느만큼 드릴까요?How much powder should I give to you?
물을 얼마정도 사용했나요?How much water did you use?
야채를 얼마만큼 먹었나요?How much vegetable did you eat?
한국어는 어느정도 구사할 수 있나요?How much Korean can you speak?

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How to say as much as in Korean?

As much as in Korean can be expressed by using the following sentences:

Noun + 만큼

만큼 먹을 수 있니? Can you eat as much as your older brother?

Noun + 만큼 + Adjective

그녀의 방은 운동장만큼 크다. Her room is as big as a playground.

Noun + 정도(로)

그가 버는 것정도 나도 벌어요. I make as much money as he does.

How to use 만큼 in Korean?

The most basic use of 만큼 is for expressing ‘as much as’.

Noun + 만큼

Example: 그가하는것만큼나도잘할수있어요. I can do it well as much as he does.

만큼 can also be used to express the ‘equivalence’ for different states often described by adjectives (e.g., as big as, as tall as…)

Noun + 만큼 + Adjective

Example: 이번 여름은 작년 여름만큼 덥다. This summer is as hot as the last summer.

How to use 정도 in Korean?

While 정도 and 만큼 can be used interchangeably in most cases, 정도 means ‘approximate’ degree or extent compared to 만큼, so there is a slight difference in the nuance.

Often, an article 로 is added to 정도 to indicate the approximation.

The expression 정도로 is typically used with nouns that are not easily quantifiable, such as effort, happiness, etc..

Noun + 정도(로)

그는 이 것정도의 야채는 먹어야 한다. He should at least as much vegetable as this.

저는 한국 사람정도 한국어를 할 수 있어요. I can speak Korean as much as a Korean person can.

How to say more in Korean comparison?

More in Korean is 더.

To make a comparison in the Korean language with “more”, put 더 in front of the adjective you want to talk about.


이 지갑은 더 비싸요. This wallet is more expensive.

겨울에 날씨가 더 추워요. The weather is colder in winter.

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