Korean Grammar Bank


Too/Also in Korean can be expressed by using 도 or 또한.

  • 도 is an article used with nouns.
  • 또한 is an adverb that is used similarly to ‘also’ in English.

Just like ‘too’ and ‘also’, both ‘도’ and ‘또한’ have the meaning of ‘in addition to’, but their use is slightly different.


Like other articles of Korean, 도 is used with nouns. 도 could be used to replace either ‘too’ or ‘ also’.

Interestingly, 도 could be added after either the subject or the direct/indirect object. 


Subject + Object + 도

Let’s see some examples:

“I want to visit Korea too”

In this case, ‘도’ can be added either after ‘I’ or after ‘Korea’:

한국을 방문하고 싶다.nado hangugeul bangmunhago sipda.‘도’ is added after ‘나’
나는 한국 방문하고 싶다.naneun hangukdo bangmunhago sipda.‘도’ is added after ‘한국’ 

Of course, the two sentences do have slight differences. For example:

  • The first example can be extended such that ‘In addition to you, I want to visit Korea too,’
  • Whereas the second example would be extended such that ‘In addition to Japan, I want to visit Korea too.’

So to be precise, the location of 도 depends on the overall context where the sentence fits in. 

“She will also come to Jane’s party”

In this case, ‘도’ can be added either after ‘She’ or after ‘Jane’s Party.’ 

그녀 제인의 파티에 올꺼야.geunyeodo jeinui patie olkkeoya’도’ is added after ‘그녀’
그녀는 제인의 파티에 올꺼야.geunyeoneun jeinui patiedo olkkeoya‘도’ is added after ‘ 제인의 파티’

“She does not like mathematics either”

In this case, ‘도’ can be added either after ‘she’ or after ‘mathematics.’ 

그녀 수학을 좋아하지 않아.geunyeodo suhageul johahaji anha‘도’ is added after ‘그녀’ 
그녀는 수학 좋아하지 않아.geunyeoneun suhakdo johahaji anha‘도’ is added after ‘수학’ 


‘또한’ is an adverb that is used to express: also, additionally, and furthermore.

‘또한’ can be used either in the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. 

Let’s have a look at some examples:

“Additionally, it is forbidden to smoke in the building”

또한, 건물에서 담배를 피는 것은 금지되어 있습니다ttohan, geonmureseo dambaereul pineun geoseun geumjidoeeo issseupnida‘또한’ is placed in the beginning of the sentence
건물에서 담배를 피는 것 또한 금지되어 있습니다geonmureseo dambaereul pineun geot ttohan geumjidoeeo issseupnida‘또한’ is placed in the middle of the sentence, after ‘담배를 피는 것 (=smoking)’.

“I also speak Korean and English”

또한 나는 한국어와 영어를 구사할 수 있습니다ttohan naneun hangugeowa yeongeoreul gusahal su issseupnida‘또한’ is placed in the beginning of the sentence.
나는 또한 한국어와 영어를 구사할 수 있습니다naneun ttohan hangugeowa yeongeoreul gusahal su issseupnida‘또한’ is placed in the middle of the sentence, after ‘I’.  

“She also does not like winter either”

또한, 그녀는 겨울을 좋아하지 않습니다.ttohan, geunyeoneun gyeoureul johahaji anhseupnida.‘또한’ is placed in the beginning of the sentence 
그녀는 또한 겨울을 좋아하지 않습니다.geunyeoneun ttohan gyeoureul johahaji anhseupnida.‘또한’ is placed in the middle of the sentence, after ‘she’. 

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What is the meaning of “도” in Korean?

“도” is a Korean particle that can be translated to “also” or “too” in English.

It is used to indicate that something or someone shares a characteristic or behaviour with another thing or person.

How do you use “도” in a sentence?

To use “도” in a sentence, you need to place it after the subject or object that you want to compare.

For example, “저도 한국어를 공부해요.” (I also study Korean.)

Here, “도” follows the subject “저” (I) to indicate that the speaker also studies Korean.

Can “도” be used with any verb in Korean?

Yes, “도” can be used with any verb in Korean to indicate similarity or addition.

For example, “저는 요리도 잘합니다.” (I’m good at cooking too.)

Here, “도” follows the verb “요리” (cooking) to show that the speaker is also good at cooking.

How to you use “또한” in a Korean sentence?

“또한” is a Korean adverb that can be translated to “also” or “furthermore” in English.

It is used to add information to a sentence or to emphasize a point.

To use “또한” in a sentence, you need to place it after the subject or object that you want to add information about.

For example, “저는 한국어를 공부하고 또한 중국어를 공부해요.” (I study Korean and also study Chinese.)

Here, “또한” is used to indicate that the speaker studies Chinese in addition to studying Korean.

Where to get more free Korean lessons?

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