In this grammar lesson we teach you how to express sequential actions in Korean using -고 나서.
This structure indicates that one action is completed before another action begins, similar to “after doing” in English (e.g., “After eating, I will study”).
It is a useful way to describe events in a clear sequence.

Use -고 나서 to describe one action being completed before moving on to the next action.
Verb Stem + -고 나서 + Next Action
밥을 먹고 나서 공부했어요. | After eating, I studied. |
친구를 만나고 나서 영화를 봤어요. | After meeting my friend, I watched a movie. |
숙제를 하고 나서 잠을 잤어요. | After finishing my homework, I went to sleep. |
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운동을 하고 나서 샤워했어요. | After exercising, I took a shower. |
아침을 먹고 나서 출근했어요. | After eating breakfast, I went to work. |
책을 읽고 나서 메모를 했어요. | After reading a book, I took notes. |
일을 끝내고 나서 집에 갔어요. | After finishing work, I went home. |
저녁을 먹고 나서 산책했어요. | After eating dinner, I took a walk. |
To form negative sentences, the negation applies to either the action before or after -고 나서, depending on the intended meaning.
Verb Stem + -고 나서 + Negative Statement
밥을 먹고 나서 공부하지 않았어요. | After eating, I did not study. |
운동을 하고 나서 샤워하지 않았어요. | After exercising, I did not take a shower. |
책을 읽고 나서 메모하지 않았어요. | After reading a book, I did not take notes. |
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숙제를 하고 나서 텔레비전을 보지 않았어요 | After finishing my homework, I did not watch TV. |
친구를 만나고 나서 영화관에 가지 않았어요. | After meeting my friend, I did not go to the movie theater. |
청소를 하고 나서 쉬지 않았어요. | After cleaning, I did not rest. |
수업을 듣고 나서 질문하지 않았어요. | After attending the class, I did not ask questions. |
이메일을 확인하고 나서 답장을 보내지 않았어요. | After checking my email, I did not reply. |

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What does -고 나서 mean?
-고 나서 is a Korean grammar structure used to indicate that one action is completed before another begins.
It translates to “after (doing something)” in English.
What difference with -고 나서 and -ㄴ/은 후에?
Both structures mean “after,” but -고 나서 is more commonly used in spoken Korean, while -ㄴ/은 후에 is slightly more formal and often found in written contexts.
Can -고 나서 be used with all verbs?
It is typically used with action verbs. However, it is not commonly used with verbs that describe instantaneous or natural events, such as “to die” (죽다) or “to rain” (비가 오다).
Can -고 나서 be used in the past and future?
Yes! The tense is applied to the final verb in the sentence.
For example:
책을 읽고 나서 잤어요. (“I read a book and then slept.”) → Past tense
숙제를 하고 나서 놀 거예요. (“I will play after doing my homework.”) → Future tense
Is -고 나서 interchangeable with -아/어서?
Not exactly.
-아/어서 can sometimes indicate sequential actions, but it also implies cause-and-effect.
-고 나서 strictly emphasizes that one action is completed before the next one happens.
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