Korean Grammar Bank


In Korean, there are several irregular adjectives that change their forms when they meet certain endings.

This lesson introduces the most common irregular adjectives, explains their transformations, and provides practical examples to help you use them naturally.


Some Korean adjectives undergo transformations when they are followed by a vowel or a consonant, which can change the final sound or appearance of the word.

These transformations are called irregular adjective changes (불규칙 변화). Here are the main types covered in this lesson:

ㅂ Irregular쉽다 (to be easy) → 쉬워요 (it’s easy)
ㄹ Irregular길다 (to be long) → 긴 (long)
ㅎ Irregular빨갛다 (to be red) → 빨개요 (it’s red)


Adjectives ending in ㅂ change to 우 before a vowel or to 오 when conjugated with the 아/어 ending, except for a few exceptions. This transformation is typically used in both formal and informal speech.


ㅂ adjective + 우/ 오 + 아/어 ending

Informal 이 책은 정말 쉬워. This book is really easy.
오늘 날씨가 charset="utf-8"> The weather is cold today.
Formal (어요) 이 문제는 너무 어려워요. 그래서 질문하고 charset="utf-8"> This problem is too difficult. I want to ask a question.
오늘 수업이 정말 재미있었어요. 덕분에 많이 charset="utf-8"> Today’s class was really fun. I learned a lot, thanks to you.
강아지가 귀여워요. 정말 charset="utf-8"> The puppy is cute. It’s really lovable.
Formal (습니다) 이 제품은 가격이 비쌉니다. 하지만 품질이 charset="utf-8"> This product is expensive. However, the quality is good.


덥다 → 더워요to be hot
춥다 → 추워요to be cold
가볍다 → 가벼워요to be light
무겁다 → 무거워요to be heavy
아름답다 → 아름다워요to be beautiful
귀엽다 → 귀여워요to be cute
시끄럽다 → 시끄러워요to be noisy
부드럽다 → 부드러워요to be soft
맵다 → 매워요to be spicy
즐겁다 → 즐거워요to be enjoyable
무섭다 → 무서워요to be scary
답답하다 → 답답해요to feel stuffy/frustrated
새롭다 → 새로워요to be new
기쁘다 → 기뻐요to be happy
배고프다 → 배고파요to be hungry


Adjectives ending in ㄹ drop the ㄹ when followed by suffixes beginning with ㄴ, ㅂ, or ㅅ. This pattern is often observed when forming formal or descriptive sentences.


Adjectives ending in ㄹ drop the ㄹ when followed by suffixes beginning with ㄴ, ㅂ, or ㅅ

Informal 길이가 너무 짧아. It’s too short.
이 도로는 너무 길어. This road is too long.
Formal (어요) 그 이야기는 정말 달라요. 제가 들은 이야기와 다르네요. That story is really different. It’s different from what I heard.
이 바지는 정말 편해요. 집에서 입기 좋아요. These pants are really comfortable. They’re good for lounging at home.
사과가 빨갛고 맛있어요. The apples are red and delicious.
Formal (습니다) 이 나무는 키가 큽니다. 정말 오래된 나무입니다. This tree is tall. It’s a really old tree.


길다 → 긴to be long
달다 → 단to be sweet
멀다 → 먼to be far
낮다 → 낮은to be low
빠르다 → 빠른to be fast
얇다 → 얇은to be thin
귀엽다 → 귀여운to be cute
틀다 → 튼to be turned
달갑다 → 달가운to be pleased
가늘다 → 가는to be slender
놀다 → 논to play
알다 → 안to know
열다 → 연to open
길다 → 긴to be long
달다 → 단to be sweet


When an adjective ends in ㅎ, the ㅎ disappears before a vowel. This change not only alters the form but also softens the pronunciation, creating a smoother transition between syllables.


When an adjective ends in ㅎ, the ㅎ disappears before a vowel

Informal 이 꽃이 charset="utf-8"> This flower is really red.
이 치마가 charset="utf-8"> This skirt is really white.
Formal (어요) 방이 너무 시끄러워요. 더 조용한 곳으로 가고 charset="utf-8"> The room is too noisy. I want to go somewhere quieter.
어제 밤 하늘이 정말 맑았어요. 별이 많이 charset="utf-8"> The sky was really clear last night. I could see a lot of stars.
색깔이 너무 진해요. 조금 더 연한 색깔이 charset="utf-8"> The color is too dark. Do you have a lighter color?
Formal (습니다) 오늘 날씨가 화창합니다. 산책하기 좋은 charset="utf-8"> The weather is clear today. It’s a good day to go for a walk.


그렇다 → 그래요to be so
파랗다 → 파래요to be blue
노랗다 → 노래요to be yellow
빨갛다 → 빨개요to be red
이렇다 → 이래요to be like this
저렇다 → 저래요to be like that
어떻다 → 어때요to be how
보얗다 → 보얘요to be pale
누렇다 → 누래요to be golden/yellowish
진붉다 → 진빨개요to be deep red
뽀얗다 → 뽀얘요to be fair-skinned

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What makes an adjectives irregular in Korean?

Irregular adjectives deviate from standard conjugation rules, often due to final consonants like , , , etc.

How do ㅂ irregular adjectives change?

For irregular adjectives, changes to or when followed by a vowel.

How do ㅎ irregular adjectives change?

In irregular adjectives, is removed when followed by a vowel, and the stem changes.

How to use an adjective in Korean?

A Korean adjective can be used in its infinitive form using the following structure:

Subject (은/는/이/가) + Infinitive Adjective

Sujin is beautiful. 수진이는 예쁘.

My brother is smart. 내 동생은 똑똑하.

The scenery is spectacular. 경치가 멋지.

The adjectives in Korean can be used to directly describe nouns (e.g., a beautiful girl, a busy day).

In this case, the ‘다’ ending from the infinitive form is dropped, and ‘ㄴ’ consonant is added:

– If the syllable in front of ‘다’ ends with a vowel, you add ‘ㄴ’ to the vowel. 

Beautiful Sujin 예쁜 수진이 (예쁘다 -> 예쁜)

– If the syllable in front of ‘다’ ends with a consonant, you add ‘는’ after the syllable.  Delicious noodle 맛있는 국수 (맛있다 -> 맛있는)

– If the syllable in front of ‘다’ ends with ‘ㅂ’, then you remove ‘ㅂ’ and add ‘운’ after the syllable. Hot weather 더운 날씨 (덥다 -> 더운)

Learn more about Korean adjectives here.

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