The Korean word “중” is a noun that means “middle” or “center.”
When used as a grammatical particle, “중” functions similarly to the English phrases “during,” “in the middle of,” or “among.”
It indicates that an action or event is happening in the middle of a particular time frame or activity.
Indicating ongoing action or process:
중” can be attached to a noun or verb to show that something is happening in the middle of a particular event or activity.
회의 중
In the middle of a meeting공사 중
Under constructionExpressing “among” or “out of” when choosing from a group:
“중에서” is used to express “among” when discussing selections or choices from a group.
책 중에서
Among the books사람들 중에서
The structure of using “중” depends on whether it is attached to a noun or a verb:
Noun + 중
When “중” is attached to a noun, it indicates that something is happening during that noun’s timeframe or event.
수업 중
During class여행 중
During travelPATTERN #2
Verb Stem + -는 중
When “중” is used with a verb, it is combined with the verb stem and the particle “-는” to form “-는 중이다”, which means “to be in the middle of (doing something).”
읽는 중이다
In the middle of reading운전하는 중이다
In the middle of drivingUSAGES OF 중
The usage of “중” can be categorized into different contexts:
Indicating an ongoing action or process
“중” is often used to indicate that something is currently happening or that someone is in the middle of doing something. It emphasizes the ongoing nature of an activity or event.
지금 수업 중이니 나중에 전화해 주세요 | I am in the middle of a class, so please call me later. |
회사는 현재 행사 중입니다. | The company is currently hosting an event. |
그는 방을 청소하는 중이에요. | He is in the middle of cleaning his room. |
View More Examples:
During a meeting | 회의 중이니 나중에 얘기합시다. | I’m in the middle of a meeting, so let’s talk later. |
Under construction | 저 건물은 공사 중이라서 들어갈 수 charset="utf-8"> | That building is under construction, so you can’t enter. |
In the middle of cooking | 오빠는 저녁을 준비하는 charset="utf-8"> | My brother is in the middle of preparing dinner. |
While studying | 저는 영어 단어를 외우는 charset="utf-8"> | I am in the middle of memorizing English vocabulary. |
Expressing “among” or “out of” choices
“중에서” is used to express “among” or “out of” when making choices from a group or selecting from multiple options.
옵션 중에서 하나를 선택하세요. | Choose one out of the options. |
학생들 중에서 누가 가장 한국어를 잘하나요? | Who speaks Korean the best among the students? |
영화 중에서 이 영화가 제일 재미있어요. | This movie is the most interesting among the movies. |
View More Examples:
Among friends | 친구들 중에서 누가 가장 친절하나요. | Who is the kindest among your friends? |
Out of the books | 이 책들 중에서 어떤 책을 가장 좋아하나요. | Which book do you like the most out of these books? |
Among the movies | 이번 주 개봉한 영화들 중에서 가장 인기 있는 것은 어떤 것인가요? | Which is the most popular movie among the ones released this week? |
Out of the dishes | 오늘 점심 메뉴 중에서 뭐가 가장 맛있어요? | What is the most delicious among today’s lunch menu options? |

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What does 중 mean in Korean grammar?
중 means “in the middle of” or “currently in progress.” It’s often used to express that an action is happening at the moment.
How do you use 중 in a sentence?
Attach 중 to the noun form of a verb (verb stem + -는 것), as in 공부하는 중이에요 (I am studying).
Is 중 used in formal speech?
Yes, you can use 중입니다 in formal settings.
What difference between 중 and -고 있다?
Both express ongoing actions, but 중 is more commonly used with nouns, while -고 있다 is attached directly to verbs.
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