You’ll definitely see these Korean direction particles in every two sentences as they are very common.
Today, we’ll learn how to use -로 and -으로 in a sentence, as well as some very useful direction words in Korean.
It is important to know how to give directions in our daily life and when traveling somewhere new.
Here is a list of some useful vocabulary related to direction and location:
korean | english |
오른쪽 | Right |
위 | Up |
앞 | Front |
동쪽 | West |
남쪽 | South |
사이 | Between |
건너편/반대편 | Opposite |
직진하다 | Go straight |
가까운 | Close to |
korean | english |
왼쪽 | Left |
아래 | Down |
뒤 | Back/behind |
서쪽 | East |
북쪽 | North |
옆에 | Next to |
모퉁이 | Corner |
돌다 | Turn |
근처 | Nearby |
The direction particles are very easy to use.
-(으)로 can be used with the nouns that indicate a place
Noun + (으)로
You need to use it according to the following rules:
-로 | -으로 |
Check out those examples:
가장 가까운 은행으로가주세요. | Please go to the nearest bank. |
광화문으로가려면 어떻게 하나요? | How can I get to Gwanghwamun? |
엘레베이터를 이용해 아래로내려가세요. | Please take an elevator to go downstairs. |
관광 안내 센터로 가려면 어떻게 하나요?
How can I get to the tourism information center?왼쪽으로 직진하세요.
Go straight to the left.
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Want to learn more? Check out these other free resources:
- Korean time and place particles 에 and 에서
- Ask and give directions in Korean
- Ask and give directions in Vietnamese
- Japanese location particles に and で
- Japanese direction particles に and へ
What are the Korean Direction Particles?
The Korean direction particles are -로 and -으로.
The particle needs to be added after the noun in a sentence.
When to use -로 or -으로?
You need to use -로 if the noun ends with a vowel.
-으로 is used when the character ends with a consonant.
What are other Korean particles should I know?
The Korean language has several particles you should know about, especially in the first stages of your learning process.
Here are some:
Topic particles 은/는
Subject particles 이/가
Object particles 을/를
Direction particles -로/-으로
Place and Time particles 에 / 에서
How to make negative sentences in Korean?
Korean is a SOV language, meaning the basic language structure is:
Subject + Object + Verb
Japanese, Mongolian and Turkish are also SOV languages for example.
English is a SVO language: subject + verb + object
Learn more about negation in Korean here.
Can I learn Korean with LTL?
Of course! We teach Korean online on our Flexi Classes platform.
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Contact us for more details and start your language learning journey.
Where to find more Korean lessons like this?
You can find many other Korean lessons for free on our Korean Grammar Bank.