Same as in English, Korean conditionals allow us to convey “if” or “when” scenarios.
We use two structures for this grammar:
-면/으면 is used for realistic or likely conditions.
-다면/ㄴ다면 works best for hypothetical or imagined situations.

USING -면/으면
The structure -면/으면 is used for probable or realistic conditions.
Verb/Adjective Stem + (으)면
기차가 늦으면 연락해 주세요. | If the train is late, please let me know. |
저녁을 일찍 먹으면 소화가 더 잘돼요. | If I eat dinner early, digestion is better. |
시간이 있으면 이번 주말에 만나자. | If you have time, let’s meet up this weekend. |
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날씨가 좋으면 주말에 캠핑을 갈 거예요. | If you have time, let’s meet up this weekend. |
문제가 생기면 바로 알려줄게요. | If a problem comes up, I’ll let you know right away. |
이 일을 끝내면 좀 쉴 수 있을 거예요. | If I finish this work, I’ll be able to rest a bit. |
USING -다면/ㄴ다면
The structure -다면/ㄴ다면 is used for hypothetical or imagined conditions.
Verb/Adjective Stem + (ㄴ)다면
복권에 당첨된다면 뭐 하고 싶어요? | If you were to win the lottery, what would you want to do? |
하루 종일 잔다면 피로가 풀릴까요? | If I were to sleep all day, would I feel rested? |
한국어를 잘 한다면 한국에서 살고 싶어요. | If I could speak Korean well, I would want to live in Korea. |
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시간이 다시 돌아간다면 똑같이 선택할 거예요? | If time could go back, would you make the same choice? |
외국에서 일할 기회가 주어진다면 도전해 보고 싶어요. | If I were given a chance to work abroad, I’d want to try it. |
친구가 나에게 더 솔직하다면 더 친한 친구가 될 수 있을 거예요 | If my friend were more honest with me, we’d become a real friends |
USING -(으)려면
The structure -(으)려면 is used to express conditions that must be met in order to achieve a certain goal. It can be translated as “if you intend to” or “if you want to” in English.
Verb Stem + -(으)려면
빨리 낫으려면 약을 잘 먹어야 해요. | If you want to get better quickly, you need to take your medicine properly. |
좋은 직장을 구하려면 한국어를 열심히 공부해야 해요. | If you want to get a good job, you must study Korean diligently. |
서울에 가려면 기차를 타는 게 좋아요. | If you want to go to Seoul, taking the train is a good option. |
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운전을 배우려면 운전면허 시험을 봐야 해요. | If you want to learn to drive, you have to take a driving test. |
공부를 잘하려면 계획을 세우는 것이 중요해요. | If you want to study well, making a plan is important. |
맛있는 김치를 만들려면 신선한 배추가 필요해요. | If you want to make delicious kimchi, you need fresh cabbage. |
안, 못, 없다, 아니다 will be added to the above structures to show what will happen if a certain condition is not met.
Verb/Adjective Stem + 지 않으면
If [subject] does not [verb/adjective], then…
기차가 늦지 않으면 바로 출발할 거예요. | If the train isn’t late, we’ll depart right away. |
Verb Stem + 지 못하면
If [subject] cannot [verb], then…
버스를 타지 못하면 늦을 거예요. | If you can’t take the bus, you’ll be late. |
Noun + 이/가 아니면
If [subject] is not [noun], then…
초콜릿이 아니면 안 먹을래요. | If it’s not chocolate, I don’t want to eat it. |
Noun + 이/가 없으면
If there is no [noun], then…
문제가 없으면 그대로 진행할게요. | If there’s no problem, I’ll proceed as planned. |
BONUS || Review how to create negative sentences in Korean in this grammar lesson.

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What difference between -면 and -다면?
-(으)면 is used for general conditions and future possibilities, while -다면 is often used for hypothetical or unlikely situations.
Can I use 못 instead of 안?
Yes, but they have different meanings. 못 expresses inability, while 안 expresses unwillingness or simple negation.
How to use conditionals with past events?
You can use -았/었으면 to talk about past conditions, often implying regret or hindsight.
Is there a formal way to express conditionals?
Yes, in formal writing or speech, -(으)면 can be replaced with structures like -(으)ㄴ다면 for added politeness or emphasis.
Can I use conditionals with nouns?
Yes! Use N + (이/가) 아니면 to say “if it’s not [Noun],” e.g., 학생이 아니면 할인받을 수 없어요 (If you’re not a student, you can’t get a discount).
Does LTL provide Korean classes?
You can study with us in Seoul, in our Hongdae location, or online if you prefer learn from home.
Contact us here if you have any questions.