Korean Grammar Bank


Welcome to this new grammar lesson! Today will be all about as soon as in Korean.

Various words can help build a sentence and express as soon as.

Each is used with a specific sentence structure, so make sure to study all of them:


To express as soon as in Korean, a verb is conjugated with ~자마자. Ex: 먹다 (to eat) becomes 먹자마자.


A + ~자마자 + B

그는 일이 끝나자마자 딸을픽업하러 갔다.He went to pick up her daughter as soon as his work was finished.
내 친구는 소식을 듣자마자 나를보러 왔다.My friend came to see me as soon as he heard the news.
나는 첫 월급을 받자마자 집 구매를 위한 대출 신청을 했다.I applied for a mortgage as soon as I got my first paycheck
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그녀는 대학을 졸업하자마자 프랑스로 이주했다.She moved to France as soon as she graduated from college.
내가 밖에 나가자마자 비가 내리기시작했다.It started raining as soon as I went outside.
나는 그녀를 만나자마자 그녀와 사랑에 빠졌다.I fell in love with her as soon as I met her.
그녀는 그 포지션이 열리자마자 지원했다.She applied as soon as the position opened.
내 동생은 새 아이폰이 나오자마자 구매한다.My brother likes to buy a new iPhone as soon as it is released.
눈이 녹자마자 꽃이 피었다.The flower came out as soon as snow melted.
너는 내가 물건을 사자마자 늘고장을 낸다.You always break things as soon as I buy them.


Another way to express as soon as in Korean is by conjugating a verb with ~는대로. Ex: 먹다 (to eat) becomes 먹는대로.


Verb + ~는대로

그는 일이 끝나는대로 딸을 픽업하러 갔다.He went to pick up her daughter as soon as his work was finished.
내 친구는 소식을 듣는대로 나를보러 왔다My friend came to see me as soon as he heard the news.
나는 첫 월급을 받는대로 집 구매를위한 대출 신청을 했다I applied for a mortgage as soon as I got my first paycheck.
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그녀는 대학을 졸업하는대로 프랑스로 이주했다.She moved to France as soon as she graduated from college.
내가 밖에 나가는대로 비가 내리기시작했다.It started raining as soon as I went outside.
그녀는 그 포지션이 열리는대로지원했다.She applied as soon as the position opened.
내 동생은 새 아이폰이 나오는대로구매한다.My brother likes to buy a new iPhone as soon as it is released.
눈이 녹는대로 꽃이 피었다.The flower came out as soon as snow melted.
너는 내가 물건을 사는대로 늘고장을 낸다.You always break things as soon as I buy them.

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How to say as soon as in Korean?

As soon as in Korean can be expressed in two ways:


A + ~자마자 + B

그는 일이 끝나자마자 딸을픽업하러 갔다.

He went to pick up her daughter as soon as his work was finished.


Verb + ~는대로

내 친구는 소식을 듣는대로 나를보러 왔다

My friend came to see me as soon as he heard the news.

How to use 자마자?

To express as soon as in Korean, a verb is conjugated with ~자마자. Ex: 먹다 (to eat) becomes 먹자마자.


A + ~자마자 + B

How to say as much as in Korean?

As much as in Korean can be expressed by using the following sentences:

Noun + 만큼

만큼 먹을 수 있니? Can you eat as much as your older brother?

Noun + 만큼 + Adjective

그녀의 방은 운동장만큼 크다. Her room is as big as a playground.

Noun + 정도(로)

그가 버는 것정도 나도 벌어요. I make as much money as he does.

Learn more about as much as in Korean in our free lesson.

How to say only in Korean?

When used with a subject, the structure is:

Subject + 만 (+이)

어린이 입장이 가능하다. Only a child can enter.

When used with an object, the structure is:

Object+ 만 +을

이 화장실은 여성만을 위한 것이다. This bathroom is only for women.

Place / time / day + 에서만

올해는 프랑스에서만 여행할 계획이다. We will only travel in France this year.

Learn more about 만 in our free lesson.

Where can I find more Korean resources?

Our Korean Grammar Bank has some fantastic free resources for you to check out.

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