Korean Grammar Bank

HOW TO USE 아/어 주다

Describing doing something for someone is expressed by using -아/어 주다.

This structure emphasizes acts of kindness, service, or assistance and is essential in expressing consideration for others in Korean.

It is similar to “do something for someone” in English.


Use -아/어 주다 when describing an action performed for the benefit of someone else.

This structure is often used in polite or social interactions to show thoughtfulness and respect.


Verb Stem + -아/어 주다

문을 열어 주세요.Please open the door for me.
아이를 돌봐 줬어요.I looked after the child.
친구를 도와 줬어요.I helped my friend.
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사진을 찍어 줬어요I took a picture for them.
책을 빌려 줬어요.I lent a book to them.
길을 알려 줬어요.I showed them the way.
문장을 고쳐 줬어요.I corrected the sentence for them.


To make requests polite, use -아/어 주세요.

This adds a layer of respect and is commonly used when asking for help or a favor.


Verb Stem + -아/어 주세요

사진을 찍어 주세요.Please take a picture for me.
문을 닫아 주세요.Please close the door.
길을 가르쳐 주세요.Please show me the way.
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시간을 확인해 주세요.Please check the time for me.
이 문장을 고쳐 주세요.Please correct this sentence.
물을 가져다 주세요.Please bring me some water.


For formal situations, replace -아/어 주다 with -아/어 드리다 to show greater respect, especially to someone of higher status or age.


Verb Stem + -아/어 드리다

도와 드릴게요.I will help you.
자료를 찾아 드렸어요.I found the materials for them.
커피를 가져다 드릴게요.I will bring you coffee.
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예약을 해 드렸어요.I made the reservation for them.
방을 청소해 드렸어요.I cleaned the room for them.
문을 열어 드릴게요.I will open the door for you.
답변을 드렸어요.I provided an answer for them.
책을 찾아 드릴게요.I will find the book for you.

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What does 아/어 주다 mean in Korean?

아/어 주다 is used to indicate that someone is doing something as a favor or act of service for someone else.

It adds politeness and consideration to the action.

What is the difference between 아/어 주다 and 아/어 드리다?

아/어 드리다 is the honorific form of 아/어 주다, used when speaking to or about someone of higher status to show extra respect.

Can 아/어 주다 be used for requests?

Yes! It’s commonly used with 주세요 to make polite requests, like 도와 주세요 (“Please help me”).

Is it possible to use 아/어 주다 with negative sentences?


You can say things like 도와 주지 마세요 (“Please don’t help”) or 설명해 주지 않았어요 (“They didn’t explain it to me”).

Can I use 아/어 주다 for self-directed actions?

No, 아/어 주다 is only used when one person does something for another.

You wouldn’t use it for actions you do for yourself.

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